There are so many cocktail cabinets on the market now, you can buy beautiful modern or stunning renovated, and everything in between, there really is a cocktail cabinet for everyone.
When looking to buy a cocktail cabinet know your style, what you want it for and how it should work for you. Whether you’re a lover of exposed wood, want a sleek curved design or prefer a retro look in your home, are you after a cocktail cabinet to store your drinks collection or a cabinet that takes serves as a bar when you have guests over? These are definitely a few things you need to think about before taking the plunge into purchasing a cocktail cabinet. You also need to consider storage, where the cocktail cabinet will go in your home, dimensions you have to work with and colours schemes it needs to fit within. Colours and design are hugely important, unless you're happy to decorate there's no point buying something that doesn’t work with what you have, are you wanting lots of exposed wood, geometric designs, sleek lines or curves, metallics, bold colours or more subdued?
Whatever your answers to the above look like there will be the right one out there for you, and if not you can always look to commission and cocktail cabinet that’s unique to you and your home. This is a great way to have a piece of furniture that’s a true one off and that you know works for you and your home exactly as you need and want it to.
If you’re looking for a renovated cocktail cabinet there are some incredible pieces and brands out there, including the likes of Turnidge, a slightly more retro design with beautiful wood and incredible interior generally with a table top space for your to create your signature drink.
Gplan, a classic a much loved MCM brand also have some great pieces, generally they are more of a cabinet than work space and offer lots of closed space to hide those not so beautiful bottles. Beautility is a firm favourite of mine, they tend to be larger pieces, with beautiful wood and curves they also tend to be more sideboard size so can offer an incredible amount of storage, perfect if you have a good bottle collection and even if you don’t they can hide a lot of stuff.
Whatever you decide you’re looking for, remember a cocktail cabinet should be fun, it should work for your and reflect your personality.
If you’re on the hunt for a cocktail cabinet or are thinking of commissioning a cocktail cabinet, get in touch today, I’d be more than happy to discuss your requirements and offer any advice I can.